Fourth Grade gifted student program: Field trip nature walk

Fourth Grade gifted student program: Field trip ; writing nature walk This is a writing I wrote in my fourth-grade gifted student class My legs were wiggly and my stomach was jiggly. I had a bright smile on my face that spread every time the clock ticked. Until the time came when the bus finally arrived. I got out sniffed the chilly autumn air. When we arrived at Seatuck, our guide walked our class through the soft, dirt path to the clear pond dressed with leaves. He told us that we were going to catch creatures that lived in the pond and to figure it is using the confusing key. Everyone grabbed a spoon so they could catch the animals first. When I picked up the spoon, my excitement slowly faded away because I didn’t have anything to catch. until, I saw a movement in the brown, gooey mud. When I caught it, I realized it was a fish! My smile grew again and I put the fish in the water. At the end of the fish hunting, we ended up catching six gigantic tadpoles and four m...