[Opinion] How to save the earth: 1) "Going Green", an essay by MyLK in third grade 2) a Youtube video 3) Earth Day Posters

How to save the earth (1) "Going Green", an essay that I wrote in third grade Imagine the earth covered and filled with junk, garbage and flies. Nobody wants to live in such a terrible environment. It is important to protect our attractive environment and go green. What is Going Green? Going Green is protecting our planet and not polluting it. Going Green makes Earth a better place. There are many ways to go green like, using less energy, less items, and less water. "Scan, scan." I am borrowing a book from the library. Using less products or items is an important part of Going Green. What is upcycling? Upcycling is turning old things into new ones that are useful Recycling is suing things over and over again. One way to use less products is to recycle. For example, you can bring a cloth bags to the supermarket and use it instead of a plastic bag. Another way to go green is to upcycle. Specifically, you can melt broken crayons, and ta-da, you have a brand...